Expats Café
The City of Linz is now offering a new event format for expats, i.e. people who live outside their home country temporarily or permanently due to their job. The 'Expats Café', initiated by the Department of Economy, Innovation, Climate Protection and EU, aims to support expatriates during their stay in Linz and facilitate their integration.
The Expats Café provides an ideal platform for networking with other expats, exchanging experiences and making valuable contacts. Experts will also be on hand to answer questions on topics such as childcare, language courses, residence law and citizen services. There will also be a colouring and craft corner for younger guests.
In 2025, the Expats Café will take place on the following dates
- Saturday, 29 March 2025, 11:00-12:30
- Saturday, 24 May 2025, time to be announced - TABAKFABRIK LINZ
- Saturday, 11 October 2025, 11:00-12:30
- Saturday, 13 December 2025, 11:00-12:30
Admission is free, but please register by emailing innovation@mag.linz.at
You will also have the opportunity to find out more about the services offered by the City of Linz. Our competent experts will be on hand to help you with the following topics:
- Childcare in Linz
- Language courses
- Right of residence and much more