Education in Linz
Education is a matter of central importance in Linz. The city offers a wide range of educational possibilities. It maintains 57 compulsory schools and is responsible for the school buildings, their furnishings and their equipment. In Linz there are four universities, two teachers‘ training colleges and two colleges of higher education. There are also many possibilities for training and continuing education – especially the Volkshochschule in the Tower of Knowledge, bfi and Wifi.
Information about the compulsory schools in Linz:
Kultur und Bildung
(Education and Culture)
Hauptplatz 1, 4041 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 7070
On the homepage of “Schule und sport Linz“ you can find the brochure “Wir entdecken Linz“ (We Discover Linz) in pdf-format. That is a schoolbook for the 3rd and 4th grades of primary school, appro- ved by the Federal Ministry of Education and Women (bmbf) which contains interesting information about the City of Linz. It also includes a folded map of Linz. On its back side there is a summary of information that is especially important for school children. The brochure can also be obtained from the Office of Culture and Education (Kultur und Bildung-Büro), telephone number +43 732 7070 1400 or 1401.
Facts worth knowing about schools in Linz can also be downloaded from
The Austrian educational system
For children who reach the age of six on or before August 31st compulsory school education begins in September of that same year. In Austria compulsory school lasts nine years. Preschool education in a nursery school should begin at the age of three and a year in Kindergarten is compulsory before entering school. In Linz primary schools (Volksschulen) and lower secondary schools (Hauptschulen) can be freely chosen and you can register your child in whatever school you choose. All of the children attend the same kind of school through the 4th grade of primary school, but beginning at the fifth school level various options are possible. Counseling is provided in school during the 4th grade. In Linz considerable emphasis is placed on the collaboration between schools and parents – they have an important guiding role in the education of their children.
At you can find a list of all of the schools in Linz, what they offer and the subjects they emphasize. An overview of all of the kinds of schools can be found at
An overview of the Austrian school system
- 1st – 4th grade Primary school (Volksschule/Grundschule)
- 5th – 8th school levels New secondary school („Neue Mittelschule“), (Unterstufe der Allgemeinbildenden Höheren Schule - AHS)
- 9th school level Polytechnical school/ pre-vocational school (Polytechnische Schule/Fachmittelschule - PTS/FMS), Vocational education and training school(Berufsbildende Mittlere Schule - BMS), Vocational education and training college (Berufsbildende Höhere Schule - BHS), Upper level of secondary school (Allgemeinbildende Höhere Schule - AHS)
- 10th – 12th/13th school levels Apprenticeship/ vocational school for apprentices (Lehre/Berufsschule), Upper level of secondary school (Allgemeinbildende Höhere Schule (AHS-Oberstufengymnasium), Vocational education and training school or college, (Berufsbildende Mittlere oder Höhere Schule - BMS, BHS)
The compulsory schools in Linz
Preschool education
Lasts from ages three to six
From the ages of three to six the children of working parents can attend a crèche or nursery school. These are facilities or groups that provide daycare for small children and so serve to enhance the care provided by the family. The city of Linz offers every child from the age of three on a place in a kindergarten as an important preparatory measure for school attendance.
Information: Child and youth services of Linz (Kinder- und Jugend-Services Linz), Tel.: +43 732 7070 0
Before beginning primary school the child can attend pre-school, if he/she is considered to be not mature enough for the primary school.
Information about the free choice of primary and new secondary schools
(preferred school)
With the free choice of primary and new secondary schools the rights of parents and guardians have been greatly enhanced. They are no longer dependent on school districts and school administrations. If, however, the demand for one particular school is greater than the available places – whether because of the personnel, the available space or the organization of the school – the final decision as to the admission of a child is made according to the following readily comprehensible criteria: How close the residence is, whether brothers or sisters are already attending the school, the educational offerings, how close the workplaces of the parents or guardians are, whether family or private care facilities are located very close to the school; whether the child has attended a kindergarden very close to the school.
Primary school (Volksschule)
lasts four years, usually from ages 6 to 10
In Linz the primary school can be freely chosen. Parents of children who have to start school receive a letter from the educational authorities telling them that they have to register their children in a primary school. Some schools also provide childcare in the afternoon or have afternoon care facilities (Hort) close by. Some schools also operate as “genuine” all-day schools. After completion of primary school there are two options for further schooling: „new secondary school“ or secondary school (AHS).
New secondary school (neue Mittelschule)
lasts four years, usually from age 10 to 14
The New Secondary School one will attend can be freely selected in Linz. This is a new kind of compulsory school for students who are 10 to 14 years old which can be attended by all students after the fourth grade of primary school. Courses are instructed according to the plan of studies of the secondary school (Realgymnasium) and it can be organized in the form of an all-day school. There should be approximately 25 students in each class according to the guidelines. There are four possible areas of concentration:
- Linguistic-humanistic-liberal arts
- Scientific mathematical
- Economic-life skills
- Artistic creative
Special types are also offered with artistic or athletic focuses.
In order to avoid separating children into different educational pathways when it is still too early to make such a decision, the goal of the new secondary school is to give all of the students a basic and/or a profound general education. It is possible for the students to deepen their knowledge in the areas German, mathematics, and one living language (usually English). From the seventh grade on it is noted in the report card and other documentation whether a student has completed a subject with basic or profound knowledge. The students are all instructed together; they are not divided up according to the educational goals they are striving for or the ones they have attained. In addition to the report cards each student is given a description of his/her accomplishments at the end of every school year. It shows his/her particular strengths. Temporary groups are formed for various educational purposes, remedial classes and advanced classes are held and students are individually guided by teacher teams. The successful completion of a new secondary school entitles the student – depending on the goals he/she has attained - to go on to a higher school. Which schools he/she can transfer to depends on the grades. If the learning accomplishment is not sufficient for a transfer to a higher school, the student can take an admission test.
After the successful completion of a new secondary school, the student can enroll in the following kinds of advanced schools:
- Secondary school (Allgemeinbildende Höhere Schule (AHS)
- Vocational education and training college (BHS)
- Vocational education and training school (BHS)
- Vocational school (Berufsschule)
- Polytechnical school (pre-vocational school)
Possibilities for completing compulsory school education after the eighth school level
After the eighth year of school parents must find another school in which their child can complete his/her compulsory education. Schools have “open door days” or “orientation days”. These give the children and their parents a chance to find out about the kind of education that is being offered there, the requirements for admission, the curricula and the future professional prospects of graduates. For the ninth year of school they can chose between:
- Pre-vocational school (Polytechnische Schule, PTS), which lasts one year.
- The first class of a vocational education school (vocational education and training school – BMS or vocational education and training college – BHS
- The fifth class of secondary school – AHS
School for pupils with special needs
lasts 8 to 9 years
For children who require special pedagogical aid there are various kinds of special needs schools. They can also receive integrative guidance there. The special needs schools are only reserved for children who are found to need a special education. An inadequate knowledge of the German language is not considered a reason for requiring special pedagogical aid.
Information about compulsory schools
Kultur & Bildung
(Culture & Education)
Hauptplatz 1, 4041 Linz
Tel.: 43 732 7070 1931
Bildungsregion Linz-Stadt
(Educational Region Linz-City)
Administrative and pedagogical matters concerning the compulsory schools of the city of Linz, e.g. in case of problems in classes
Sonnensteinstraße 20, 4040 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 7071 68012
Schulpsychologische Beratungsstelle Linz-Stadt
(School-psychological Counseling Office of the city of Linz)
The school psychology is responsible for all matters in the system “school” that have to do with psychological counseling, treatment or guidance. It regards itself as the first place of contact in case problems or questions concerning the school occur. All of the persons who are involved (e.g. parents, pupils/students, directors, teachers, school inspectors) can turn to it. School psychologists are experts for counseling persons in need of aid. Their services are free of charge and confidential.
Sonnensteinstraße 20, 4040 Linz
To make an appointment, call: +43 732 7071 0
Schulservicestelle des Landesschulrates OÖ
(School service of the Landesschulrat Upper Austria)
Mag.a Elisabeth Messner, Mag.a Gertraud Schwarzmair
School Service Office of the Landesschulrat Upper Austria
Sonnensteinstraße 20, 4040 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 7071 1051
Education after compulsory school
lasts two to four years
An apprenticeship consists of practically-oriented professional training and begins after the completion of compulsory school education (nine years of school). The training takes place both in the enterprise and in a vocational school. In the model “apprenticeship with matura (A-level)“ the preparation for the vocational matriculation examination (matura, which enables university admission) takes place during the apprenticeship.
Information is available at:
Professional Information Centers of the Economics Chamber (Wirtschaftskammer),
Public Employment Service (AMS);
Apprenticeships that are being offered can be found on the Internet at:,, or
The Austrian job market service (AMS) also has an extensive database for persons seeking apprenticeships:
A list of professions for which apprenticeships are offered can be found at
Secondary School (AHS)
(Allgemeinbildende Höhere Schule – AHS)
Takes 8 years to complete
Secondary school (Allgemeinbildende Höhere Schule - AHS) takes eight years to complete. Children can enter it immediately after primary school and adolescents can transfer to it after four years of lower secondary school or “new secondary school” if they have good grades. After the fourth class of AHS they can transfer to a vocational education and training school (BMS) or to a vocational education and training college. Secondary school ends with a matura (A-level). Graduates can then go on to a university, a college (Hochschule) or a technical or special college of higher education (Fachhochschule).
Vocational education and training school - BMHS (Berufsbildende Mittlere und Höhere Schulen - BMHS)
Vocational education and training schools aim to provide training in particular professions, and at the same time to expand and deepen general knowledge. It takes three or four years to complete them and they end with a final exam. A higher qualification can also be obtained, for example a secondary school vocational certificate Berufsreifeprüfung) or an advanced training course (Aufbaulehrgang). Besides, there are one and two year professional schools. In a Berufsbildende Höhere Schule (BHS) (vocational education and training college) one receives higher professional qualifications as well as a profound general education. It takes five years to complete and ends with an exam that qualifies its graduates to enter a university (A-levels) and also qualifies them for a certain profession (double qualification).
The following types of BHS are available in Austria:
- Technical, commercial and handicraft schools
- Business schools
- Schools for economic professions
- Schools for fashion and clothing technology
- Schools for tourism
- Schools for social professions
- Higher schools of agriculture and forestry
- Educational institutions for nursery school pedagogy
- Educational institutions for social pedagogy
Detailed information at:
Advanced training courses (Aufbaulehrgang)
Takes 3 years
After completion of a vocational education and training school (BMS), that takes at least three years, advanced training courses lead to matura and diploma exams. For graduates of some four-year schools there are also certain kinds of specialized colleges.
Information about schools offering education/training after completion of compulsory education
The general information service about schools, which is offered by the Federal Ministry for Education and Women (bmbf), is the place to turn to for information about schools and courses of study t: or by telephone +43 810 205220 (local fee for calls from anywhere in Austria).
Further information is available at or from the school service of the State School Board.
Tel.: +43 732 7071 1051 or 2251
The second way to obtain a graduation diploma
People who have not completed a school or a course of professional training can complete either lower secondary school or an apprenticeship or they can do their matura. There is an extensive selection of night schools which afford opportunities for further individual education that are especially intended for working persons.
Information: » Bürgerservice » Service A-Z » Bildung-Schule
New middle school graduation: You can take a test for external (non-enrolled) persons to graduate from new middle school. In every district there is a school that offers such examinations. The public employment service (AMS) frequently offers possibilities to obtain a graduation certificate from the new middle school by taking courses at diverse institutions for further education. Since 2012 courses for compulsory school graduation certificates and for the acquisition of basic competences (reading, arithmetic, writing, computing) have been offered free of charge.
Completion of an apprenticeship: Persons who have not done an apprenticeship can take the final apprenticeship exam,
- if they are at least 18 years old and have acquired the necessary skills and knowledgefor the apprenticeship profession in other ways, or
- if they have completed at least half of the time that is necessary for the apprenticeship profession, but have no possibility of obtaining an apprenticeship contract for the remaining time.
In the project “You have skills!” people who are at least 22 years old and have a number of years of experience in selected professions can acquire a vocational certificate in a short time and at low cost. They can find further information at the apprenticeship office of the Economic Chamber of Upper Austria (Wirtschaftskammer OÖ) and in the Chamber of Labor (educational counseling).
Vocational matriculation examination (Berufsreifeprüfung): The vocational matriculation examination is the third kind of matura, besides the AHS and BHS maturas.
Qualification to study examination: This examination entitles the student to undertake certain courses of study at universities, higher schools, schools of special education and colleges. It is only valid for certain curricula or ones closely related to them and is not equivalent to a general university entrance examination.
Start Scholarship
Since September 2013 START-scholarships have been available in Upper Austria. Currently 20 adolescents are receiving one. START gives scholarships to ambitious students with immigrant backgrounds whose families are in difficult financial situations. The goal is to make it possible for these young people to obtain higher- level school education so that they have a better chance to successfully integrate themselves. The expectation is that persons who receive scholarships will serve as positive role models and motivate others. They show that one can attain higher professional goals in Austria if one performs well and is diligent. On the other hand, society profits from the intercultural potential of these adolescents. START-Upper Austria is a project of the Raiffeisenlandesbank Upper Austria AG, which implements the program in cooperation with the Upper Austrian provincial government and other partners. The Federal Foreign- and Integration Minister Sebastian Kurz has assumed the sponsorship for the project and the Federal Ministry of the Interior supports START everywhere in Austria. The scholarships are financed by sponsorships that are provided by enterprises, private persons, charitable organizations or interest groups. Once in every school year (always in spring) application forms are sent to every school in Upper Austria that offers a Matura. The optimal time to apply is three years prior to the Matura. Each year about ten adolescents are accepted by the program. Applications to attend it can be made in the spring of each calendar year. The sponsorship does not depend on one’s nationality or residency status. Students can apply who are
- attending the upper level of a secondary school (AHS), a vocational education and training school, a vocational and training college or an evening school, or who are doing a matura together with an apprenticeship and intend to obtain a matura and:
- whose mother language is not German, or who have a parent that is not a Native German speaker,
- are socially engaged,
- have good grades and
- whose parents cannot adequately financially or personally support them.
The START-Scholarship offers the adolescents who are selected the following support:
- 100 euro seducational moneymonthly to make purchases or engage in activities that are of educational relevance (e.g. educationalmaterial, targeted special and remedial education, cultural expenditures)
- up to 700 euros per school year (e.g. for class trips, private lessons)
- basic PC equipment (laptop, multifunctional printer)
- an annual meeting of all scholarship holders in Austria
- two weekend educational seminars
- an extensive program of workshops and excursions
- special seminars and counseling in respect to their professional and educational choices
- individual counseling and support
All of the information about the START-Scholarship Program can be found at
Education after the a-level (after high school)
There are many possibilities for continuing ones education after obtaining the matura.
take 2 years, or three for employed persons
There are colleges for almost all of the fields offered in vocational schools. They offer persons who have obtained a “matura” professional education in their fields in a short period of time. Their students obtain the same kind of certificate as do graduates of vocational education and training colleges (diploma examination).
Teachers‘ college
Takes three to five years (six to ten semesters)
Teachers‘ colleges offer high-level (academic) education in the area of teaching (training to become a teacher).
In Linz there are two teachers‘ colleges:
Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich
(Teachers‘ College of Upper Austria)
Kaplanhofstraße 40, 4020 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 7470 0
Private Pädagogische Hochschule der Diözese Linz
(Private Teachers‘ College of the Diocese Linz)
Salesianumweg 3, 4020 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 772666
Studying at a technical or special college of higher education (Fachhochschule)
Course of studies for a bachelor’s degree: 6 to 8 semesters
For a masters degree: 2 to 4 semesters – academic grade upon graduation: Masters
The completion of studies for a masters degree entitles a person to study for a doctoral degree at a
university. You can find further information and details at:
Technical and special college of higher education - Campus Linz
At the College for Higher Learning in Linz you can study for health and social professions. Four bachelors curricula and three masters curricula are offered by the departments of health-, social- and public management, medical technology and social work. All three departments carry out applied research and development.
FH Oberösterreich - Fakultät für Gesundheit und Soziales
Garnisonstraße 21, 4020 Linz
Tel.: +43 50 804 50
Technical college for health Professions
The Technical College for Health Professions of Upper Austria offers seven bachelors curricula and two masters curricula in health professions in Linz, Styria and Wels. The degrees are recognized internationally. Currently no fees are being demanded (the masters course of studies in college is being charged).
Bachelors curricula (six semesters full time):
- Biomedical analysis
- Dietetics
- Occupational therapy
- Birth helpers
- Speech therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Radiological technology
Masters Curricula:
- Management for health professionals – focused on hospital management: Masters course of studies (four semesters, part time, extra-occupational)
- College didactics for health professions
FH Gesundheitsberufe OÖ GmbH 17
Semmelweisstraße 34/D3, 4020 Linz
Tel.: +43 50 344 20000
Universities in Linz
In Linz there are four universities. They offer bachelors. masters, diploma and doctoral studies.
Johannes Kepler University (JKU)
The “JKU“ has law, economics and social-economics and technical-scientific
faculties. Since 2014 there has been a new medical faculty as well.
Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 2468 0
Information and consultation for studies: Tel.: +43 732 2468 1381 or 1311
University for Art and Industrial Design
The University of Art and Industrial Design is a future-oriented educational institution with over 1,200 students. It has a multifarious offering of studies that bridge the gap between free art, science and applied designing. Teaching, research and artistic development are clustered around three pillars: intermedia, spatial strategies and artisticscientific research.
Hauptplatz 8, 4010 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 7898 0
Anton Bruckner Private University
The Bruckner University offers courses in music, acting and dancing.
Alice-Harnoncourt-Platz 1, 4040 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 70 10 00 0
Catholic Private University of Linz
The Catholic Private University has a catholic-theological faculty and an institute for art studies (aesthetics) and philosophy.
Bethlehemstraße 20, 4020 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 784293
Further institutions
LIMAK – Austrian Business School
The LIMAK is the business school of the Johannes Kepler University and has gained recognition in the area of continuing education for executives.
JKU Science Park 5, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 66 99 44 0
Kepler University Clinical Center of Linz Med Campus VI.
The MED Educational Center offers instruction and training in health and health-care professions: various academies, health and health-care instruction and training, special instruction, nursing support, care of the elderly and paramedical support.
Paula-Scherleitner-Weg 3, 4021 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 7806 3290
Validation (recognition of foreign diplomas and educational accomplishments)
If you have begun or completed education in your native country, you can apply to have your studies or your certificates recognized. Then you can continue your education in Austria, begin to study here or practice a profession.
Validation (Nostrifikation):
If you have fulfilled all of the prerequisites for a corresponding Austrian certificate, your foreign certificate of education can be regarded as the equivalent of an Austrian one; the respective curricula have to be compared to determine whether that is the case. If it is, you are accorded all of the rights that are associated with a corresponding Austrian certificate for your foreign one, e.g. admission to a university or a college. If you cannot prove that you have taken sufficient classes in particular subjects, you must take additional tests (Nostrificationsprüfungen). In some cases you might have to have your certificate authenticated by the responsible school authorities in the country where it was issued. The authority that is responsible for validation in Austria is the Federal Ministry for Science, Research and Economy. Enic-Naric Austria:
AST - Place to turn to for persons with qualifications acquired in foreign countries:
Regarding training equivalent:
Foreign professional training, for example apprenticeships or master examinations, can be recognized in Austria. That is called „Gleichhaltung“ (determination of equivalence). The authority responsible
for making decisions is the Federal Ministry for Science, Research and Economy
Adult education
Important partners for professional training and continuing education are the Adult Education Center (VHS) in the Tower of Knowledge, the MED Educational Center (Kepler University Clinic Center, Med Campus VI), the Economic Development Institute WIFI and the Vocational Training Institute bfi , BBRZ.
Financial support for adult education
The Upper Austrian educational bonus of the Chamber of Labor (AK)
Within the framework of the educational program AK-Plus the Upper Austrian Chamber of Labor supports its members in the acquisition and improvement of certain key qualifications such as electronic data processing, foreign languages, bookkeeping, graduation from lower secondary school, integration courses, second chance education, etc. For courses and events of the Vocational Training Institute (bfi), the Adult Education Centers of Linz and Upper Austria AK members are accorded a reduction with their “power“ membership cards. Besides, the AK educational bonus is valid for the entire AK-Plus educational program.
Arbeiterkammer (Chamber of Labor)
Volksgartenstraße 40, 4020 Linz
Tel.: +43 50 6906
Information about courses and registration for them on the hotline +43 50 6906 0
Information about the AK “power card“ can be obtained by calling: +43 50 6906, or by email at:
Bildungskonto des Landes Oberösterreich
(Educational Account of the Province of Upper Austria)
Educational measures that are undertaken for job-oriented continuing education or retraining can under certain circumstances be financially supported by the “Upper Austrian Educational Account“.
Amt der Oberösterreichischen Landesregierung
(Office of the Upper Austrian Provincial Government)
Directorate for Education and Society
Bahnhofplatz 1, 4021 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 7720 15501
Who receives financial support?
- Employees, that is persons who are in an intact work relationship
- Persons who are receiving a childcare allowance, ones on parental leaves and ones getting maternity benefits
- Persons returning to work after a parental leave who are registered at the AMS as looking for work and are not receiving any AMS benefits
- Persons who are marginally part-time employed
- People receiving unemployment benefits or emergency welfare benefits
- Self-employed persons
- Persons with an academic degree whose gross income does not amount to more than 1.500 euros
- One-person enterprises with maximally two persons who are marginally employed or two apprentices (a maximum of two persons)
What is financially supported?
- Costs of courses for educational measures
What prerequisites have to be fulfilled?
Main residence in Upper Austria at the beginning of the course
The educational activities (courses, seminars, master schools, special academies) have to be undertaken for job-oriented continuing education or retraining
The educational measures have to take place in educational facilities that have been given the quality seal of the Upper Austrian Adult Education and Continuing Educational Facilities or in ones that have been certified by comparable procedures.
- 75 percent of the educational procedure has to have been completed and the participation must be confirmed.
Educational counseling for adults
At fixed times the Adult Education Center in the Tower of Knowledge, the Upper Austrian Chamber of Labor (AK) and the Service Office for Adult Education offer individual counseling about educational measures and professional choices. In addition they inform your about professional subsidies, for example educational leaves, part-time education and catching up on school graduation certificates.
Volkshochschule Linz Wissensturm
(Adult Education Center)
Kärntnerstraße 26, 4020 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 7070
Monday: 4 - 6 p.m. (Appointments must be made by telephone)
Arbeiterkammer Oberösterreich (AK) - Beratungszentrum
Center for Counseling - (Upper Austrian Chamber of Labor)
Volksgartenstraße 40, 4020 Linz
Tel.: +43 50 69060
Personal counseling:
Monday-Thursday: 7.30 a. m. - 4 p.m., Friday: 7.30 a.m. - 13.30 p.m.
Telephone counseling on Tuesday until 7 p.m.
Amt der oberösterreichischen Landesregierung
(Office of the Upper Austrian Provincial Government)
Department of education and society
Bahnhofplatz 1, 4021 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 7720 15501
Tuesday and Thursday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Karriereberatung der Wirtschaftskammer Oberösterreich
(Career counseling of the Economics Chamber of Upper Austria)
Career and educational guidance in the form of potential analyses, Appointments must be made
Wirtschaftsförderungsinstitut (WIFI)
Wiener Straße 150, 4021 Linz
Tel. +43 590909 4061
Educational institutions for adults
Wissensturm (Tower of Knowledge)
The Tower of Knowledge of the City of Linz is located opposite the central train station. It accommodates the Adult Education Center, the city library and a foreign-language library, a learning center as well as a media workshop.
The Tower of Knowledge is open to everybody. In its function as an intersection of knowledge, as an integration center, it serves to promote the exchange between and the harmonious coexistence of diverse cultures. It has many special educational offerings and media for immigrants. One area of emphasis involves measures to teach language and promote linguistic proficiency. In the Service Center services of the “Bürgerservice” (Citizens’ Service) are available. Basic education is one of the major emphases of the Tower of Knowledge. A more intensive effort will be made to address those persons who have previously had difficult access to education, for example those who have never graduated from school or completed a course of job training. The fundamental education courses that are offered are intended to improve the ability to read, write and do arithmetic and to acquire basic computer skills. Further courses serve to prepare persons for graduation from lower secondary school. Comprehensive consultation possibilities, both in person and by telephone (alfatelephone 0810 / 20 08 10) facilitate the choice of appropriate basic education courses.
Among the job-oriented courses you can find ones that are aimed at preparing people for the vocational matriculation examination. There are special basic education courses for women, as well as for persons who do not speak German. In the program of events of the Adult Education Center you can find about 2,000 courses and lectures each year. About 100,000 books, films and CDs are available for lending in the City Library. In the Learning Center in the Tower of Knowledge (LeWis) computer workplaces with Internet access, listening stations as well as DVD- and television places invite you to learn and to spend your free time there. In seven areas possibilities for combined course-media learning are offered: society and politics / nature and technology / health and feeling well / household and living / basic education and profession/ culture and creativity/ languages.
Kärntnerstraße 26, 4020 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 7070
Berufsförderungsinstitut (bfi) / (Vocational Training Institute)
The Vocational Training Institute offers a broad spectrum of extra-occupational further education measures, seminars, workshops, training courses, advisory services and jobmarket-political schooling measures.
Raimundstraße 3, 4020 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 6922
The BBRZ Group is the largest educational and social service institution in Austria. Aim and purpose of the BBRZ Group is to support people who are old enough to develope and utilize their professional and social opportunities, to aid and encourage them. The BBRZ group includes the Vocational Training Institute bfi , BBRZ Rehabilitation Ltd and FAB (Organization for Promoting Work and Employment). These organizations work for different target groups in the areas of “professional education”, “job rehabilitation” as well as “work and job placement”.
Muldenstraße 5, PF 322, 4021 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 6922 0
Das BIZ Berufsinformationszentrum des Arbeitsmarktservices
(The BIZ Job Information Service of the Pubic Employment Service AMS)
Offers a modern media library with brochures, sets of information material, video films and PCs that can be used free of charge.
Bulgariplatz 17-19, 4021 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 6903
Wirtschaftsförderungsinstitut (WIFI)
Economic Development Institute (WIFI)
WIFI offers courses in various areas of professional training and continuing education. Its aim is to support persons and organizations that are active in the economy and to qualify them for the demands of the job market.
Wiener Straße 150, 4021 Linz
Tel.: +43 5 7000
Karriereberatung der Wirtschaftskammer OÖ
(Job counseling of the Economics Chamber Upper Austria)
Wiener Straße 150, 4021 Linz
Tel.: +43 5 90909 4051
PGA Akademie (PGA Academy)
The PGA Academy offers courses/seminars and training as well as continuing education in the areas health, psychology, pedagogy and physical exercise. It publishes a catalog of its courses and activities.The catalog can be ordered at: +43 732 787810 or on
PGA, Organisation for prophylactic health work
Museumstraße 31a, 4020 Linz
Tel.: 43 732 7712 00
Language – the key to success
A person who wants to undertake professional training or work in Upper Austria must be able to speak and write German. To correctly learn a language you have to constantly practice it. It is easier to learn it in professionally-taught German courses. Language courses for beginners and advanced students are offered in the Tower of Knowledge in Linz and many other institutions for continuing learning.
Promoting language skills for children
New language promotion in the nursery schools of the city
Since autumn 2011 all of the boys and girls in the nursery schools of the city – with and without immigrant backgrounds – have been tested twice a year to determine how well they know the German language. If a child is found to have language deficits he or she immediately begins to get help. The goal is to enhance language competence before the beginning of school. In three years of nursery school a child can receive up to 540 hours of German language instruction, taught in a manner that is appropriate for his/her age. This extensive language promotion program is unique in Austria. A 2012 study of the University of Hamburg showed that it is effective. It was found that all of the children in the new language promotion program clearly improved their knowledge of German.
Bilderbuchrucksack (Picture book rucksack)
In 2015 the project „Picture Book Nursery School“ was initiated in twelve counseling facilities of the city, in cooperation with the Institute for Literature for Young People. A total of twelve new German language picture books were thereby selected. They were focused on societally relevant themes such as immigration, hostility towards foreigners, poverty and the roles of the sexes. After the books have been read out loud together and the children have become familiar with them, one of them is selected. The children then creatively interpret it in their manner. The results – drawings, texts, handwork, photos, etc. – are presented to the public each year in different places in Linz.
Mama learns German
Mothers with immigrant backgrounds sometimes come out of educationally deprived social classes. This project teaches not only the German langue- age, but also other educational matters and promotes intercultural competence as well as integration. In order to reach these women, the courses of the Institute of Intercultural Pedagogy are offered in nursery schools and schools.
Reading tandem
Tandem is the term for the collaboration between a godchild from one of the primary schools in Linz and a mentor. Both of them meet once a week in the afternoon in the school for one to two semesters. The mentors then read out loud, and motivate their protégés to read by themselves or show them how to read out loud in a manner that is interesting and enthralling. The mentors receive preparation and continual support for this work from the Organization for Intercultural Encounters and Cultural teaching (ibuk).
Books for reading out loud
Within the framework of the project of the organization” ibuk”nursery school children with and without immigrant backgrounds regularly visit facilities for seniors. There they are divided into small groups. One mentor works with four to five children. The reading tandem hours are supervised by nursery school teachers. The mentors are trained for their task by the organization “ibuk” in the senior center and they are continuously supported.
The program, which is led by the Institute for Intercultural Pedagogy, promotes knowledge of the native language as well as of German in children with immigrant backgrounds who are between the ages of four and six. Parents work together with nursery school teachers to implement it. „Rucksack“ aims to promote the competence in the mother language and in German as well as the general development of the child. Mothers thereby serve as experts for learning the first language/mother tongue. They are prepared for this task through guidance and working material. They meet once a month for two hours (normally in the nursery school) to prepare common activities, that they can take home in their “rucksacks”. There they do them with their children. The rucksack model constitutes a continuation of the project “Within your grasp”, in which children between the ages
of one and three acquire linguistic proficiency through play and games.
Information about all of the offers
Kinder- und Jugend-Service Linz – (KJSL)
(Children and Youth Service of Linz)
Rudolfstraße 18, 4041 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 7070
Kultur und Bildung
(Culture and Education)
Pfarrgasse 7, 4041 Linz
Tel.: +43 732-7070
Volkshochschule Oberösterreich
Institut Interkulturelle Pädagogik – (IIP)
(Adult Education Center of Upper Austria
Institute for Intercultural Pedagogy – IIP)
Bulgariplatz 12 / 4. Stock, 4020 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 661171
Supervised learning outside of school
The Integration Office of the city of Linz financially supports remedial courses for primary and new secondary school pupils. You can receive further information, questions, advice and support for these projects and for German courses for children from the:
Integrationsbüro der Stadt Linz
(Integration Office of the City of Linz)
Altes Rathaus, Hauptplatz 1, 4041 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 7070 1150
Promoting language skills for adults
Language courses, German courses and integration courses, literacy courses, etc., are offered by various educational institutions. Some of the following institutions also conduct ÖSD examinations. ÖSD means “Austrian Language Diploma in German”. It is a test system for German as a foreign language consisting of nine tests at six different levels. The ÖSD serves as a standardized confirmation of knowledge of the German language and confers a large number of advantages on people who take it: it is regarded as an additional qualification that helps in job placement by the Public Employment Service (AMS) and is important for other job-oriented institutions. It also serves as recognized proof of knowledge of the German language when seeking admission to Austrian universities, applying for Austrian citizenship, for a visa or for a leave to remain in Austria.
Wissensturm/Volkshochschule (Tower of Knowledge / Adult Education Center)
The Adult Education Center in the Tower of Knowledge is the largest provider of German courses in Linz and offers ones at various levels. More than 20 languages are taught there, among them “German as a foreign language“ and ”German integration courses“. The courses are held in the Tower of Knowledge as well as in various parts of the city. More than 100 German courses are offered by this institution each year. Private courses can also be arranged. All of the course participants can use the self-learning center in the Tower of Knowledge free of charge. The VHS is a licensed testing center and offers certificate tests for the Austrian Language Diploma German (ÖSD) and the European language certificates (telc certificates) as well as certificate examinations at all levels. There is, for example, a great demand for the certificate German, which is required for health-care occupations. It is proof of language knowledge that is sufficient for orientation in everyday situations as well as in the professional world.
(Tower of Knowledge)
Kärntnerstraße 26, 4020 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 7070,
Personal language consultations
Tel.: 43 732 7070 4323 (Learning center 4390)
Monday: 5 - 7 p.m.
Thursday: 12 noon - 2 p.m.
Universität Linz
(University of Linz – German courses for students)
Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz
Center for Special Language and Intercultural Communication, secretary’s office
Tel.: +43 732 2468 9580,,
Monday: 1.45 p.m. – 4.45 p.m.
Wednesday: 9 a.m. – 12 noon and 2 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday: 9 a.m. - 12 noon
Kooperation Pädagogische Hochschule, Land OÖ, Magistrat Linz u.a.
(Cooperation between the teachers’ college, the Province of Upper Austria, the Municipality of Linz, etc.)
Kaplanhofstraße 40, 4020 Linz
Tel.: +43 732-7470-0,
BFI (Vocational Training Center)
Bulgariplatz 12, 4020 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 6922 6238
Wirtschaftsförderungsinstitut WIFI
(Economic Development Institute)
Wiener Straße 150, 4021 Linz
Tel.: +43 5 7000 77
Volkshilfe OÖ – Counseling for refugees (Women’s project)
Schillerstraße 34, 4020 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 603099
migrare – center for immigrants in Upper Austria
Humboldtstraße 49, 4020 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 667363
Association maiz
Hofgasse 11, 4020 Linz
Tel.: +43 732 776070 4