Advisory Council on Immigration and Integration

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The Advisory Council on Immigration and Integration was established in 1996 with the aim of enabling immigrants to play a part in designing the integration politics of the city. According to a resolution of the municipal council of 11 April 1996 the Advisory Council is newly elected after a term of six years. 

According to a municipal council resolution of 18 September 2008, immigrant associations chose representatives and the mayor of Linz appointed them to act as members of the Advisory Council for the first time. The name of the council was then changed to The Immigration and Integration Council of Linz.

The council represents the political interests of all citizens with immigration backgrounds who live in Linz. It consists of 16 appointed members who serve on an unsalaried basis. Besides, each of the political parties that is represented in the municipal council (SPÖ, ÖVP, Green Party, FPÖ) sends one of its members to the Immigration and Integration Council, on which he/she has an advisory function.

Aims of the Council

  • Making sure that the interests of immigrants are taken into account in decisions at the municipal level
  • Improving the existential situations of immigrants in various respects (housing, schools, work situation…)
  • Reduction of prejudice and discrimination
  • Promoting mutual understanding between population groups of different origin
  • Demanding a right to vote at the municipal level for all immigrants

How the Council works

  • It holds regular work meetings and sessions that are open to the public

Duties of the Council

To represent the interests of immigrants (in connection with aspects of citizenship, national origin, culture and social status):

  • Establishing contacts with immigrant population groups
  • Making inquiries and expressing points of view at the offices of the responsible authorities
  • Advising and informing city committees
  • Taking part in decision making processes of the city to the extent that the law permits

Public relations work

  • Reduction of barriers, promotion of dialogs between different groups in the population
  • Informing foreigners living in Linz and their associations about important topics that are of relevance to them as well as about the activities of the Council
  • Informing Austrians about the situation of immigrant population groups
  • The Immigration and Integration Council on Facebook:  (new window)

Administrative Office of the Council

The Integration Office of the City of Linz serves as the administrative office of the Council.


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