The Office of Integration – aims and basic principles
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We strive to realize the following goals:
- To come to terms with societal diversity and differences in a positive manner
- Equality of opportunities for immigrants in respect to their participation in communal life and the social and cultural infrastructure
- Elimination of barriers which inhibit the access of immigrants to the offerings of the municipal authorities of Linz
- Measures aimed at promoting equal treatment for immigrants and eliminating discrimination against them, in the hope of improving their long-term existential situation (e.g. housing, free time activities…)
- Inclusion of immigrants in the political life of the city
- Promoting offerings that make it possible for immigrants to learn the German language
- Networking: interactions with authorities, institutions, facilities, NGOs and associations which are active in the field of immigration
Our view of integration:
- For us, integration is a sustainable developmental process that not only involves a unilateral adaptation of the immigrants to their new country; it also aims to achieve equality of opportunity for all inhabitants of the city with the help of appropriate framework conditions and specific measures on the part of the host society.
- Integration is an aim of local politics that involves a number of areas (schools/education, housing, work, health, youth, culture,…), all of which are included in the development and planning of the city.
- We regard cultural diversity as a challenge for and a potential of the city of Linz.
Our offerings are intended for:
- Immigrants as well as persons with roots in Austria
- Immigrant associations
- Political decision makers
- Persons responsible for the communal infrastructure