Linz City Senate
Mayor Dietmar Prammer (SPÖ)
- Spatial planning, urban development
- Urban building construction matters
- Housing matters
- Real estate matters (including company parks)
- Lift installations
- School matters
- EU subsidies
- Matters of the Presidential Administration, unless specifically mentioned below
- Media matters
- Naming of traffic areas, municipal properties including parks and municipal schools
- Declarations of owner consent for the private and public property of the City of Linz
- Exercise of ownership powers for company participations of the City of Linz
- Granting of subsidies and funding amounting up to 5,000 Euros in each case at the suggestion of the respective responsible city senate member, as well as department-specific subsidies and funding of over 5,000 Euros.
- Other civil law matters
- Other matters falling within the remit of the City Senate, unless another member of the City Senate has overriding departmental responsibility

Deputy Mayor Karin Hörzing (SPÖ)
- Social affairs including voluntary social assistance and other voluntary social services, youth and family care, youth health care and the initiation and dimensioning of social services
- Care for the elderly (incl. planning of senior citizens' centres)
- Matters relating to the ‘Kinder- und Jugend-Services Linz’ (KJS) organisation
- Matters relating to children's and youth playgrounds
- Sports-related matters
- Department-specific subsidies and funding amounting to more than 5,000 Euros in each case

Deputy Mayor Mag. Martin Hajart, MBA – ÖVP
- Planning, construction and maintenance of traffic areas including bridge construction
- Other transport planning measures
- Traffic facilities
- Local road police
- Market affairs
- Department-specific subsidies and funding amounting to more than EURO 5,000 in each case

Deputy Mayor Tina Blöchl (SPÖ)
- Financial matters (including the parking space management zones)
- Asset management, including shareholdings
- Personnel matters
- LGBTIQ* matters
- Matters pertaining to the promotion of integration
- Department-specific subsidies and funding amounting to more than 5,000 Euros in each case

City Councillor Mag.a Eva Schobesberger (GRÜNE)
- Matters pertaining to the promotion of women’s issues
- Climate matters, with the exception of industry and hydrogen technology
- Nature conservation and environmental protection matters
- Matters pertaining to hydraulic engineering, including the renaturation of bodies of water
- Matters pertaining to industrial operational facilities
- Matters pertaining to the city’s parks, gardens, green spaces and forests of the city
- Matters pertaining to city nursery
- Design and maintenance of the traffic green, planning of the traffic green spaces (right of codecision concerning location and dimension)
- Matters pertaining to the road maintenance including winter service
- Educational matters, including those pertaining to the Volkshochschule Linz (adult education centre) and the libraries, with the exception of school matters
- Matters pertaining the archive
- Department-specific subsidies and funding amounting to more than 5,000 Euros in each case

City Councillor Mag. Dr. Michael Raml (FPÖ)
- Matters pertaining to civil defence and disaster relief (except the chairmanship of the civil protection advisory board)
- Matters pertaining to professional, volunteer and company fire brigades
- Matters pertaining to the local fire police
- Monitoring of business hours, closing times and trade and commerce regulations for the hospitality industry (decision in the second instance and performance of the tasks the procedural provisions of the higher authorities in matters pursuant to in matters pursuant to Section 113 para. 3 to 5 GewO), matters pursuant to § 76a section 9 GewO
- Security matters of the city of Linz including the local security police
- Other administrative police agendas, insofar as they are not assigned to other members of the City Senate
- Matters pertaining to city partnerships
- Matters pertaining to health care
- Department-specific subsidies and funding amounting to more than 5,000 Euros in each case

City Councillor Thomas Gegenhuber (SPÖ)
- Economic development matters including location development and labor market development (including apprenticeship training)
- Matters relating to the promotion of science and innovation
- Innovation management
- Industry and hydrogen technology
- Matters relating to the Climate Office
- Matters relating to digitalization
- Matters relating to universities and universities of applied sciences
- Waste management matters
- Department-specific subsidies and funding amounting to more than 5,000 Euros in each case

City Councillor Doris Lang-Mayerhofer (ÖVP)
- Cultural matters, including the Music School
- Tourism matters
- Department-specific subsidies amounting to more than 5,000 Euros